Top 10: Why People are Great Too

People are the best when they’re at their best!

Okay, I know just last week I said I liked dogs more than people. But it was mostly with a wink and a nod. Now I’m going to give my fellow humans their due respect.

  1. They really care.
    I have felt a lot of stress and loss in the last year. I know I’m not alone. I connected with people I haven’t heard from in years, and it was during some of the hard times.
  2. They can help you be your best.
    If you want to try to improve yourself or try something new, there are enthusiastic people out there to help you. Are you reading this, Infinity Personal Training (these are the people who make me so sore sometimes I literally have to roll out of bed. But it’s all good!), Entrepreneurs’ Organization Dallas (they push me out of my comfort zone to try new things as they are very visionary leaders), and even Collin College (teaching me new comms skills that have happened in the last 20 years).
  3. When the you-know-what hits the fan, they’re ready to help.
    Look at any natural disaster. There are people coming in waves to help. Not all of those people are ones you’d choose for friends. But they’re there to help!
  4. Whenever you don’t want to do something but you need to, the support is there.
    We all do this. Need to get up to study. Need to embrace DryJanuary. Need to go get that health screening. Whatever it is, your nagging loved ones just have your best interest at heart. (Yes, to my kids, this is why I woke you up every morning!)
  5. They are trying to show their best side because they actually care what you think.
    I’m not always a polished person, so those that are can be very intimidating. Then I realized they’re so put-together because they want others to admire them. I can do that!
  6. Strangers are often the ones you need.
    Years ago, I saw a woman just crying her way through the grocery store. I stopped and said something like, “It looks like you’re having a really bad day. Can I give you a hug?” (Yes, this was pre-covid). We had a good hug, she asked me to pray for her, and I went on my way. Others have returned this favor to me in hospital hallways and gymnasiums. I don’t know who they are but there were just what I needed!
  7. They share their talents.
    Just take a look at volunteer organizations full of people with a wide variety of gifts. They are there to give what they’ve been given. Maybe it’s the ability to wield a hammer. Maybe it’s an impressive muralist. But they share for no other than reason to be part of something amazing.
  8. They know we’re different, but they like fellow humans anyway.
    If you can push past rhetoric and inflammatory statements pf today’s world, we can all find common ground. In fact, some of my favorite people ARE my favorites because they’re so different from me. I learn from them, I laugh at our warped perspectives of each other, and I am grateful they accept me for the mess that I can be.
  9. They make the world a better place.
    To all the inventors and support people out there who have made strides in everything from medicine to teaching, we are in a better place. If you think the world is worse today than ever, go look at the Roman Empire. Brutality was the norm. We’re better now!
  10. They share some basic things in common across borders, cultures, and languages.
    All parents and grandparents want to talk about their kids, we all like food and enjoy sharing the best of that, we all acknowledge there seems to be some greater forces at work (you say Universe, I say God, they say Karma … we all think we’re right, by the way), we all want to go to sleep in a peaceful place. We’re in this together!

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